Lash lift

How to Choose the Best Mascara After a Lash Lift

A lash lift can give your eyelashes a beautiful, natural-looking curl that lasts for weeks. But you may be wondering if and how you can enhance your newly lifted lashes with mascara. Here’s a guide on choosing and applying mascara after a lash lift for the best results.

Can You Use Mascara After a Lash Lift?

Yes, you can use mascara after a lash lift, but there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Wait at least 24-48 hours after your lash lift before applying any mascara
  • Choose a water-based mascara rather than an oil-based formula
  • Avoid waterproof mascaras, as they can be harsh on your lifted lashes
  • Use a gentle touch when applying and removing mascara

It’s crucial to give your lashes time to set and stabilize after a lash lift treatment. During the first 24-48 hours, your lashes are still settling into their new shape, and the chemicals used in the lifting process are still active. Applying mascara too soon can interfere with this process and potentially compromise the longevity of your lift.

When you do start using mascara, opt for water-based formulas as they are gentler on your lashes and easier to remove. Oil-based mascaras can weaken the lift over time and may cause your lashes to lose their curl prematurely. Similarly, waterproof mascaras, while long-lasting, often require more vigorous removal techniques that can stress your lifted lashes.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your lash lift, not overpower it. A gentle approach to both application and removal will help maintain the health and appearance of your lifted lashes for weeks to come.

Choosing the Right Mascara

When selecting a mascara to use with your lash lift, look for these qualities:

  • Water-based formula
  • Lightweight consistency
  • Nourishing ingredients
  • Non-clumping
  • Easy to remove

Avoid mascaras that are:

  • Waterproof
  • Oil-based
  • Fiber or tubing formulas
  • Very thick or heavy

When choosing a mascara for your lifted lashes, it’s essential to prioritize formulas that complement and protect your lash lift rather than potentially damaging it. Water-based mascaras are ideal because they coat the lashes lightly without weighing them down or interfering with the lift. Look for products that specifically mention being suitable for sensitive eyes or lash extensions, as these tend to have gentler formulations.

Ingredients like vitamin E and panthenol can help nourish and strengthen your lashes, which is particularly important after a lash lift treatment. These ingredients can help maintain lash health and prevent brittleness or breakage.

Non-clumping formulas are crucial because they allow you to apply the mascara smoothly without creating buildup that could weigh down your lifted lashes. Easy-to-remove mascaras are also important, as they minimize the need for rubbing or pulling during removal, which could potentially damage your lash lift.

Steer clear of waterproof, oil-based, fiber, or tubing mascaras. These formulas can be difficult to remove and may require oils or heavy rubbing, which can compromise your lash lift. Very thick or heavy mascaras should also be avoided as they can weigh down your lashes and counteract the lifting effect you’ve achieved.

Applying Mascara to Lifted Lashes

Follow these tips for applying mascara to your lash lift:

  • Use a light hand and gentle strokes
  • Start at the base of the lashes and wiggle the wand upwards
  • Focus on the tips of the lashes rather than coating them from root to tip
  • Apply only one light coat – avoid layering multiple coats
  • Let the mascara dry completely between eyes

When applying mascara to your lifted lashes, it’s crucial to use a delicate touch. Your lashes are more vulnerable after a lift treatment, so gentle application is key to maintaining their health and the longevity of your lift.

Begin by placing the mascara wand at the base of your lashes. Instead of simply sweeping upwards, use a gentle wiggling motion as you move the wand towards the tips. This technique helps to separate the lashes and ensures even distribution of the product without overloading them.

Unlike traditional mascara application, where you might focus on coating the entire lash from root to tip, with lifted lashes, it’s better to concentrate on the tips. This approach adds definition and length without weighing down the base of the lashes, which could potentially straighten out your lift.

Resist the temptation to apply multiple coats of mascara. A single, light coat is usually sufficient to enhance your lifted lashes without compromising the curl. Multiple coats can add unnecessary weight and may cause your lashes to droop over time.

Finally, be patient and allow the mascara to dry completely on one eye before moving to the other. This prevents any accidental smudging or transfer that could occur if you blink while the mascara is still wet.

Instead of mascara, use a tinted eyelash serum, such as Nutrilash that simultaneously protects, nourishes, tones and promotes eyelash growth. It does not contain prostaglandin or its derivates. It comes in black colour and can be used daily instead of mascara

Removing Mascara Safely

To remove mascara from your lash lift:

  • Use a gentle, oil-free eye makeup remover
  • Soak a cotton pad and hold it on your closed eye for 30 seconds
  • Gently wipe downward and outward, avoiding rubbing
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry

Proper mascara removal is crucial for maintaining your lash lift and the overall health of your lashes. The key is to be gentle and avoid any pulling or tugging that could damage your lashes or affect the lift.

Start by selecting a gentle, oil-free eye makeup remover. Oil-based removers can break down the lift over time and should be avoided. Micellar water or specific lash-lift-friendly removers are excellent choices.

Saturate a cotton pad with your chosen remover and place it over your closed eye. Hold it in place for about 30 seconds. This step is important as it allows the remover to break down the mascara, making it easier to wipe away without excessive rubbing.

When wiping the mascara off, use gentle, downward and outward motions. Avoid any back-and-forth rubbing, as this can cause unnecessary stress on your lashes. If you encounter stubborn mascara, resist the urge to scrub. Instead, re-soak the cotton pad and hold it on the area again to further dissolve the product.

After removing the mascara, rinse your eyes with lukewarm water to remove any residual makeup or remover. Pat your lashes dry gently with a soft towel – never rub them dry.

Remember, the gentler you are in the removal process, the better it is for your lash lift and the overall health of your lashes.

Caring for Your Lash Lift

To maintain your lash lift results:

  • Avoid rubbing or pulling at your lashes
  • Sleep on your back if possible
  • Use a lash serum to keep lashes nourished
  • Brush lashes gently with a clean spoolie brush daily
  • Consider tinting your lashes for a mascara-free look

Proper care is essential to maximize the longevity and effectiveness of your lash lift. One of the most important rules is to avoid rubbing or pulling at your lashes. This can not only undo the lift but also potentially damage your natural lashes. Be mindful of this when washing your face, drying off after a shower, or removing eye makeup.

If possible, try to sleep on your back. This prevents your lashes from being pressed against your pillow, which could affect the curl over time. If you’re a side or stomach sleeper, consider using a silk pillowcase, which creates less friction and is gentler on your lashes.

Incorporating a lash serum into your routine can be highly beneficial. These serums often contain nourishing ingredients that can strengthen your lashes and promote growth. This is particularly important after a lash lift, as the treatment can sometimes leave lashes feeling slightly dry or brittle.

Daily maintenance is key. Use a clean spoolie brush to gently comb through your lashes each day. This helps maintain the lift and prevents any tangling or clumping. Be sure to use a light touch and brush in the direction of the lift.

For those looking to minimize their use of mascara altogether, consider tinting your lashes in conjunction with your lift. This can provide the appearance of mascara without the need for daily application and removal, which can be beneficial for the longevity of your lift.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance your lash lift with mascara while keeping your lashes healthy and maintaining the lift. Remember, a lash lift is designed to reduce your need for mascara, so embrace your natural, lifted lashes on mascara-free days too!

For more tips on lash care and maintenance, check out our guide on how to remove a lash lift safely if you ever need to reverse the treatment.